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This Black color on a stainless steel sheet is developed by Sputtering Coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + BLACK COLOR [/caption] Black color is one of the most popular ...

Hairline + black color stainless steel sheet

black, desingn stainless steel sheet

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A decorative stainless steel sheet with Hairline treatment on the surface. The Platinum Gold color is an original color developed with Sputtering coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 ...

Hairline + Platinum-Gold color stainless steel sheet

desingn stainless steel sheet, gold

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This Gold is developed with the sputtering coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + SPARKLING GOLD[/caption] This gold  is brighter and looks like real gold better than so ...

Hairline + Ti-Gold color stainless sheet

desingn stainless steel sheet, gold

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Blue color is developed with the sputtering coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + BLUE COLOR[/caption] SURFACE HAIRLINE FINISH COLOR BLUE COLOR COLORING ...

Hairline + blue color stainless steel sheet

desingn stainless steel sheet

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Standard Hairline finish stainless steel sheet. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE[/caption] SURFACE HAIRLINE FINISH COLOR NO COLOR ( SILVER ) COLORING METHOD NO ...

Hairline stainless steel sheet for architectures

desingn stainless steel sheet

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Bronze color is developed with the sputtering coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + SPARKLING GOLD[/caption] This Nickel Silver color  is recognized as Champagne Gold ...

Hairline + Bronze color stainless steel sheet

bronze, desingn stainless steel sheet

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Nickel Silver color is developed with the sputtering coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + SPARKLING GOLD[/caption] This Nickel Silver color  is recognized as Champagne ...

Hairline + Nickel Silver color stainless steel sheet

desingn stainless steel sheet, nickel silver

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The Dark Black color is developed with the Inco coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + Dark-Black color stainless[/caption] Dark Black color  is deeper Black more than ...

Hairline + Dark-Black color stainless steel sheet

black, desingn stainless steel sheet

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Bronze color is developed with the sputtering coloring process. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] SUS304 HAIRLINE + SPARKLING GOLD[/caption] This Nickel Silver color  is recognized as Champagne Gold ...

Hairline + Pink Bronze color stainless sheet

bronze, desingn stainless steel sheet

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530-0036 Japan